Thursday, November 15, 2007

How many pet lovers are on here?

Well I am a pet lover, mainly dogs. In my lifetime I have had 4 dogs. The first one my family and I got was when I was about three or four years old i believe. Well we could not keep her unfortunately, she was too protective of my brothers and I. Her name was Kodia and she was a beautiful doberman-sheperd mix I think, we got her from a shelter. It was really hard on my mom to have to give her up, I was too young to understand really.

Then a year or two later, we got another dog. He was a beagle named Corky. We got him from a breeder when he was eight weeks old. He was so cute we could not stay away from him. I basically grew up with him. Well about three years ago, he got sick when he was ten years old. We would take him to the vet, but they did not help much. He was getting sicker and sicker. My mom and I made the decision to put him to sleep. It was heartbreaking on that dreadful day and both my mother and I were complete basketcases.

It took us about a year and a half before we got a new dog. We finally started looking at dogs again and fell in love with a picture we saw of a golden retriever, german sheperd, and yellow lab mix named Sam. We found him on the Anti-Cruelty Chicago website and went and got him the next day. We've had him for almost two years now and he is one of the best dogs I have ever met.

When my brother got home from the navy and moved back in, he wanted a dog of his own. We looked around, but did not have much luck. We were on the website for Heartland Animal Shelter and found a spunky eight month old puppy named Angela. We did a meet and greet with Sam and Angela, they got along so we decided to get her. When we brought her home we changed her name to Oreo becuase she was black and white. She is a pitbull, dalmatian, and terrier mix. She is crazy. Legally she was my brother's dog, but my mom and I fell in love with her just like with Sam. Well Eric, my brother is moving back to California and cannot bring Oreo with. My mom cannot handle Oreo by herself, so we have to give her up. This all happened this past week and a half, that is why I am writing about it. Well I knew she was going to have to be given away, but I did not think it would be this soon. This weekend when i was home for a little bit on sunday, my brother said Oreo was not coming back from the overnight stay at her new owner's house. This killed my mom and I. I did not even get to say goodbye to the little hairball that would crawl into my bed in the morning and cuddle up next to me. That is a picture of Sammy and Oreo at the top.

1 comment:

Mally said...

I absolutely love animals. I use to love cats more then dogs. I have grown up with a dog all my life and the dog has always been a golden retriever. But we got a cat at the end of my first dogs life. She lived to see all three goldens that we had. Unfortunately she died last summer and ever since then I have wanted another one. But, my mind changed when we got the third golden, Rily. Ever since the day we picked him up on a breeding farm, he choose me over everyone else. He only wanted to sleep on my lap and lay by my feet in the car. I fell in love at first site. I now like dogs a lot more because of him. Our bond is like no other dog I had. He honestly knows me by my name and smell and he loves to bother me when he wants to play. I miss him more then ever since I am away at college. I look forward to seeing him when I go home more then my parents.