Friday, November 16, 2007

Sports and Steroids are OK

Berry Bonds has just been charged by a grand jury and is being accused of lying about ever taking illegal performance enhancing drugs. I'm getting real sick and tiered of hearing about all of these athletes in the news and listening to all these stories about how they may have cheated. The only way that I think we can get rid of all this talk is by making steroids in sports legal. The more and more I think about it the more i feel like this is a good idea. Whats not to like about bigger, stronger,faster, and better athletes. This should make all the games more entertaining and more fun to watch. Records would have chances of being broke every season, and with these great athletes fans would always be on the edge of thir seats.
Another benifit by making it ok that athletes do steroids is that all the money spoent every year trying to find the person that does steroids can be spent for something else more important. Now I understand that there are some harmful effects from doing steroids. Athletes shouldnt be forced into taking the drugs, but if they want to keep there job, and make millions and millions of dollars a year there might be something they need to do. To find more information about the Berry Bonds case visit BONDS.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Why not have steroids in Sports? Well because not everyone is going to take steroids because it is very damaging to your health. I completely disagree with your argument. It isn't fair for the athletes who do treat their respective sports with respect and don't artificially enhance their body. Those players work hard and deserve everything they get. Steroid users use a drug to help them perform and it taints the game. It would make the games less entertaining knowing that half the athletes out there are using drugs to enhance there body and the league saying "it's o.k." It would ruin the sport (even if we have users out there right now, they are at least making an effort to stop it).

student55 said...

I disagree with your arguement. Taking steroids is very dangerous, and gives the athletes that use them an unfair advantage. I understand that records being broken is exciting and will interest more fans, but the records being broken is not fair to the current record holders that earned them without enhancing drugs. Steroids are cheating, it's plain and simple. Some athletes are being paid millions of dollars and if they are better because they cheated by taking steroids, they did not earn that money. Anyone that is accused of using steroids should not be allowed in the record books or their respective sports.