Friday, November 16, 2007


This Thanksgiving I am ready to stuff my face like all ways. This Thanksgiving is special because I can not wait to get away from dorm food for a little bit. Having a big home cooked meal is something I seriously need. Just thinking of all the food makes my mouth water. I can picture the big juicy turkey on the dinner table now. I also get all the desert I could ever want. I am ready to fill my belly with some of my cousin’s famous cheese cake. I will eat so much food it will hold me until Christmas time. The seasons are my favorite time of the year. Partly because of the food I get but also because it is a time I can spend with my family.

It is also a time to see my family. I have not had a chance to see a lot of my family since the summer. I have been at NIU since June and missed many family get togethers. Family has always been a big part of my life and I enjoy spending time with them. Because I am so busy I college I never get to spend as much time as I would like with them but I try to talk to them over the phone once a week. This year Thanksgiving will be at my grandmother’s house. It will feel good to have the whole family back in one place again, socializing and having fun. Thanksgiving to me is all about family and food.


303993 said...

Reading this has made my mouth water as well! I have been counting down the days for a while now. I cannot wait until I get to eat a home-cooked meal. My aunt and cousin are coming in town from California for the holiday. I am getting excited because we are going to do some hardcore shopping! I love the holidays because it is a time when I get to see most of my family at one time. A month away from classes for winter break is going to be nice. I am sure that we all need some relaxation time. I hope you enjoy that cheesecake! That is one of my favorite desserts.

304084 said...

I can't wait for Thanksgiving. It's a simple holiday but it happens to be one of my favorites! I love when all my family comes over and theres all that food that everyone brings. Although, this year doesn't seem like its going to be as big of a deal as it usually is in my house. It's unfortunate, but it's better then nothing! I agree about getting away from the dorm. I'm excited. Happy Thanksgiving!!

Beckster said...

I totally agree that Thanksgiving is about food and family. Everybody may say their family is crazy, but they cannot wait till family gatherings. Family gatherings are always exciting. Just when it seems like nothing exciting is going to happen, then all of a sudden that crazy aunt, uncle, or cousin does something that keeps everybody laughing.
My family usually has a party for the big birthdays. Last year my uncle turned 60. My aunt found this bingo game, but you use things that relate to the person. We called the game Sixty. We were filling out the cards and my grandma wrote down handy pecan instead of handyman because she was thinking of where the pecans went. It was hysterical! All of us were red in the face and laughing for about twenty minutes.
All in all, i love family gatherings and the food that comes with them.

BigJ said...

I do agree with you. This Thanksgiving, will most likely be the best Thanksgiving ever, because we have had to deal with the dorm room food for so long. I have been thinking about Thanksgiving and the rest of the holidays for quite some time now. I too have missed many family gatherings; they were always a lot of fun because I am close with much of my family. After Thanksgiving weekend it will be rather hard to come back to the lame food, so I think I will take your plan of stuffing myself with so much food that I will not have to eat anymore until Christmas break!