Friday, November 16, 2007

Facebook is turning into Myspace

I’m getting a little tired of websites like Myspace and Facebook. Although I still use Facebook a lot, I feel like it’s turning into Myspace! The main reason I stopped using my Myspace was because creepy guys would always message me and cause it caused drama. Now it’s happening on Facebook. Seriously, I don’t want to talk to a person whose first words to me are “Hey there sexy!” Seriously? Get a life. Do they really need to go online to find someone? If that’s the case, then I truly feel sorry for them. I also hate when people ask for my screen name, my phone number, to hook up, or chill. I don’t have that kind of personal information on my website because of creepers like them. And no, I don’t want to go meet up with someone who I don’t know. Oh, and you know what I really hate? When random people message me and tell me that I'm hot or something then follow up by asking me how they look and if I like their "pix". Um, no, I don’t. I'm not the type to indulge in that type of conversation, especially with a random who I met online. And then there are all those new applications to decorate your page. I admit, I have a few applications. But at first it was cool, now a lot of them are just stupid and make the site take forever to load. Plus you can totally stalk on Facebook. Also, now everyone can get a Facebook whereas it used to only be college students. I still love and use Facebook, but it's getting ridiculous.


bears171 said...

Yea facebook is getting alot like myspace. I agree I stopped using Myspace too beacsue it was getting very annoying. Facebook now has all of those links that you can add to you facebook and it was fine at first, but now it takes 5 minutes to find the post section on someones wall. I think facebook was alot better when there were no bumper stickers, jetman, top friends, and more.

303993 said...

I agree with you that Facebook is turning into Myspace. As for the creeps, I have not run into as many on Facebook as I have on Myspace. I see Facebook as a place for your real friends, rather than random people. However, I do get random friend requests from time to time. I agree with you on those applications. Every time I log into my account, I have at least one, if not multiple application requests. It is really starting to aggravate me because I have to waste my time hitting ignore to all the application requests. I am guilty to having a few applications, but I am definitely not one to be piling them on my page.

cubbiesgirl13 said...

I also agree that facebook is turning into myspace. I stopped using my myspace because people I don't even know would send werid messages. I also couldn't stand having like myspace message fights with people who didn't have the guts to pick up the phone or talk in person. This is when I switched to facebook. I really liked it because it was simple and you didn't have to decorate your page and I liked how people could tag you in pictures, but then the whole world caught on to facebook and the drama started all over again. I still get weird requests from people, but it's easier to ignore them now and I feel safer because they can't see my pictures or info. I also haven't gotten as many creeps on facebook, I think it's because older people go onto facebook and predators go for younger children, who are mostly on facebook. Facebook is also starting to get more like myspace with all those ridiculous application, I mean some are cool, I know I'm addicted to the bumper sticker application, but there are so many now that I'm tired of getting requests for them all because I really don't care if someone wants to send me something. Overall facebook is safer than myspace, but with all these new additions to it, it will become just as dangerous as myspace is now.