Friday, December 7, 2007

ahhh finals

I can't wait for finals to be over. I'm already stressing out way too much about what I have to study, the grades I have to earn on the tests, and what my GPA will be depending on the grades I get on the finals. It was really important to me to start off with really good grades because it is hard to raise your GPA if you start out poorly. I'm on the border between grades in most of my classes, so that just makes everything worse. In at least two situations, I have to get an A on the final to earn an A in the class. It makes you think, is it even worth it to kill myself studying to get an A that will be nearly impossible to achieve? If I don't, I know I will regret it later and all of the "what ifs" will come into play.

It seems like a lot of people scramble toward the end of a semester to earn every possible point to earn the best grade possible, myself included. Next semester I'm going to try to start of stronger so I don't have to worry about as many things at the end of the semester. For tips on surviving your finals week,

1 comment:

bears171 said...

Yea, I can not wait for finals to be over either. Its such a stressfull time, and i just keep telling myself get throgh this week and you have a month off. Even saying that to myslef doesnt help that much. This weekend is going to be hard because instead of going out all night enjoying time with my friends im going to need to stay in and study which really stinks. Hopefully i can get through this week and have alot of fun over break.