Sunday, December 2, 2007

Slipping in an Icy Wonderland

I went to bed on Friday night to wake up to a snow storm Saturday morning. Little did I know that the snow was really a frozen rain that caused everything to turn into ice.

My roommate and I were excited that our friends Leslie and Matt were throwing a party for their birthdays. We had no ride there, so we decided to walk because it was our last resort. We were not going to let the weather ruin our night!

We wore sweatshirts and sweatpants over our party cloths. As we walked outside people looked at us like we were crazy for walking in the terrible weather. We tried to walk up a small hill for a short cut, but we both slid right back down. Everything was still covered in ice.We slid down the sidewalks laughing because we knew one of us was eventually going to fall.

Everything around us seemed to be dead because no one else was around. The trees glistened and the grass looked like it was covered in glitter because of the ice. We felt like we were in some kind of "icy wonderland" because everything around us looked gorgeous.

Our shoes and the bottoms of our pants were completely soaked by the time we arrived at our boyfriends' place which was a few doors down from the party. We got out of our sweats, freshened up, and walked over to the party for a fun filled night.

The weather that we were so against walking through in the beginning, ended up to be a fun adventure. According to, it looks like DeKalb may be seeing this kind of weather again in the next couple of days.

1 comment:

BabaGonoush9 said...

I was a pretty disappointed with the Icy wonderland. My friend and I were hoping that there was going to be a huge snow storm, but instead it was just ice. Although, the trees looked really cool with the icicles all over them. Today's weather was horible! I was only outside for a little bit, but when I was, my pants got soaked. I hope the weather gets better. Hopefully there will be some snow