Thursday, December 6, 2007

Who Invented Final Exams?

Whoever it was that invented final exams, should be hurt. It is one of the dumbest ideas. Obviously you either learned the material or you didn't, and that is judged when you take the regular tests. I am not looking forward to next week at all. Thankfully I don't have a final in every class, but I definitely have enough to be more than satisfied. I have never really known how to study, and studying for something like finals is toture to me. Even the thought of next week makes me cringe. I don't want to take my finals! Especially for chemistry, my hardest class. I don't even know where to begin studying for chemistry. I haven't understood anything since the beginning of the semester, so I don't see the point in studying so hard, if I don't understand any of the material anyway. I think it's stupid that finals could have such a great effect on your grade. It is ridiculous that you could have a good grade going into the final, and then you take one test and it could change your grade completely. If you are on the borderline of getting the next higher grade, and then you take the test and don't do so great and there goes your good grade. I have always felt like teachers enjoy giving final exams and making them hard just to watch students suffer. I have never been a good test taker either and final exams are usually multiple choice tests, that makes it even harder. All I can say is that when next Thursday rolls around, and I am done with my finals, I am going to be so happy!


Anonymous said...

I agree..what you are saying about who made the final exams is dumb is true!

i just made a chemistry exams yesterday and a sociology exam 2hrs ago and i have my last exam in 2 days and it starts so early...imagine having to write an essay at 8:30!!

Unknown said...

Try having a biology exam at 7:50