Friday, December 7, 2007

definition of gender

Friday, October 26, 2007

Definition of Gender
I believe that genders is the different types of behaviors that are associated with a specific sex. in our society women are the emotional ones who worry about things and who put feeling into situation they become apart of. Men are not supposed to show much emotion. They are supposed to be hard core and keep their emotion out of situations.I believe that as a child males and females are typically raised to be either masculine or feminine. When a baby girl is born the doctors put colors such as pink and purple around them an in their nursery, because those colors are associated with the females sex. When baby boys are born they are put into nurseries that are either filled with sports themes or colors such as red and blue. Girls are raised with more etiquette than boys as well. When a mother teaches a young girl to wear a dress or skirt and how to carry a purse she teaches her the proper techniques that society feels is necessary to be a respectable young woman. Though young boys are taught by their father to wear a suit or to act in a chivalrous way when dealing with females, etiquette on their behavior is not emphasized as much as it is for young girls. Boys are often introduced to sport more than females , because it is look upon as something guys do. Every guy can remember the first time their father took them outside, gave them a ball and played catch for the first time or showed them how to dribble. A lot of males see sports as an option to being successful and being in the spotlight. The varsity quarterback or the star basketball player are usually the most popular people in High School and guys love popularity. Women on the other hand are taught things such as how to cook, sow, or are given dolls to play with. Their mother teaches them things that women have been taught for a long time as far as how to manage a household and prepare a meal. Even the dolls they are given come with a house or some type of home appliance that teaches them how to use it and instills in their minds that this is something a woman is supposed to know how to do.

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