Thursday, December 6, 2007

Kucinich 08!!!

My vote in the primary is for Representative Dennis Kucinich. Unfortunately he is being overshadowed by two other Democrats, Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama. Kucinich is the best person to be president of the United States because out of all the other candidates (on both sides), Mr. Kucinich is the only candidate who has time and again, been straight forward with the American people. He has stuck to his convictions and he is the only candidate who will socialize healthcare in the United States and take the profit out of Health Insurance companies. His bill, HR 676, will provide full healthcare to every United States citizen, with no exceptions. Another thing that distinguishes him from most of the rest of the pack is his stance on full civil rights for homosexuals, and his stance on absolute diplomacy and against the use of war as a bargaining chip. Mr. Kucinich’s stance is that we should treat people like people.

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