Thursday, December 6, 2007

Snow After Break.

For some of us who don't live around here or are from places what are much warmer. The snow that we have gotten is just the start of it. Right now everyone is complaining and all of the buses are full. Although they try and plow the streets and shovel the side walks they are not always going to be able to get all the snow so, not only do we have to worry about how cold it is to walk to our next class because the bus is going to be full but, not slipping on our way there. The problems of getting to and from class are not what this blog is about. This blog is about how this is not the worst of the snow. The snow is only going to get worse especially when we get back from break. It is going to be colder than ever and the wind is even going to start blowing harder. The buses are going to be full and the side walks are going to have a lot of snow on them. Also, while walking through the street not only in the slush gross and dirty but, very easy to slip on and we have to cross the street to get to all of our classes. We all walk around outside and complain while we are walking to where we need to go but, in reality things are only going to just get worse and it is going to last much longer then a few weeks. 

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