Thursday, December 6, 2007

New Classes!

How many of us can't wait till the next semester starts? There are many things that I am both looking forward to and going to miss at the same time. I am going to miss all of the different friends that I have made through out the last couple of months here at NIU. I am also going to miss all the different classes that I have taken through out the semester as well as some of the teachers. There are also many new and exciting things to come alone with starting a new semester such as meeting new people, starting a new class, going into different buildings, and starting off your class with an "A". The reason I like starting off new classes is you get the chance to meet new people and start new friends. The good thing about that is that you get to keep you old friends that you made the semester before. I also think it is exciting to start a new class and find out who your new teacher is. Usually on the first day of class you will be able to tell if you are going to like them a lot or have a lot of problems with them. I also think it is cool that we get to go in all different buildings because most of us have only had classes in a few although they have walked past many of them. The main reason that I enjoy starting off a new semester is because you start off with a new beginning and have an "A" if you did not do to well during you first semester you are able to know where you stand and what you need to do to get the GPA that you want.

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