Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Michael Jackson

Today I was working on my homework, while I was listening to my itunes. I was playing through my music by shuffle, and Michal Jackson came on. It was great. It defiantly made me stop and listen. Michael Jackson was awesome! His old music was so good. I don’t understand what happen to him. A while ago I watched a show about him on VH1. He had an odd childhood. His dad was crazy! He also became the lead singer of Jackson Five, when he was really young. He did not have a normal childhood. That might have caused him to grow up differently, but he is really messed up now. Many celebrities had childhoods like his, and they didn’t end up living in Neverland. It was only ten years ago that he was still making hit songs. What went wrong? Maybe all of those plastic surgeries affected his brain. What is Michael Jackson doing right now? He was always in the media. Paparazzi followed him everywhere, but the last time I heard any thing about him was when he was being charged for molesting children. What does he think about himself? Is he happy? Here is the website for Michael Jackson Fan club, maybe they have some answers.

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