Friday, December 7, 2007

Why People Should not have Animals

Domesticating animals is one of the more popular things to do for families. Parents go out and get their children a dog or a cat and everyone has no problem with it. Earlier this year Atlanta Falcons Quarterback Micheal Vick was arrested on dog fighting charges. Many animals activists stood outside the courthouse and protested how the acts against the animals were inhumane, but when cameras were put on the protesters many of them had dogs on leashes with clothing outside with them protesting. Why is it okay for humans to have animals inside their home. Many people believe that their animal is apart of there family, but when did animals say they wanted to be caged or exploited for human pleasure.

I am not saying that what Micheal Vick did was right, but animals were not placed on this planet for human self interest. They are exploited in animal shows, zoos, and circuses and no one complains about the way these animals are being treated. Those who protest for the fair treatment of animals don't think about how placing dogs in homes, regulating when they can or cannot go outside, or regulating when they can or cannot eat is harming the animals. They say that the animal is happy, because it being treated fairly, but is being the possession of another being considered fair treatment.

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