Thursday, December 6, 2007

Long Distance Relationships...

When you go off to college with a boyfriend or girlfriend who goes to another college you usually go into a long distance relationship with a very positive attitude. You think that we are in love, there is no one else for me, and he/she won't do anything to hurt me. Although you may believe all of those things the odds of your long distance relationship working out is slim to none. I went into a long distance relationship with all of those different thoughts in my head and as many times as people told me that things probably won't work out, I ignored all of it because all that I could thing about is being with him. Then I started going out more and meeting different people, by doing this I didn't loose interest in him. I just lost a lot of time to talk to him, I also was always busy and he would want to talk on the phone for hours every night which I was not able to do. Finally it got to the point that we would not even talk on the phone everyday, not even a "hi". Thats when I realized that this relationship isn't going to work out and that we both have a lot to do and don't have time in our lives right now for each other. Although some of the time long distance relationships don't work out there is a very slim chance that they do. Therefore when going into a long distance relationship even though you think that things are going to workout they usually don't. 

1 comment:

Saint_Louis_Cardinals said...

I am facing the same issues that you are facing with a long distance relationship. I came to school promising my girlfriend that we would talk everyday and it worked for about six months, but since I am an athlete we I began to be more tired and I knew some of the things my girlfriend wanted to talk about I was not interested in. I began to not call or even take the time to send a text. Se began to get frustrated with me and asked me about all the promises I made. It's the end of the semester now and I will have the oppurtunity to spend time with her for the next month and hopefully I can fix our relationship. To all people who might become stuck in a long distance relationship take the time that you don't have with the person and try to remember them and all the goog times that you all had.