Thursday, December 6, 2007

Is It Really Their fault?

If someone gets drunk and gets into their car and kills a pedestrian, should they be held accountable? I read a comment under the “Bad Santa!”, that says the guy in the Santa suit was drunk and didn’t know what he was doing when he attempted to abduct a child. Does that person’s simple inability to not consciously know what his or her actions are give that person a free pass? That is just stupid. A crime, even under the influence of a willingly taken foreign substance, is still a crime. A person always has a choice. That is what laws are for, to deter people from making wrong choices. If a person imbibes a mind altering substance and commits a crime other than if the imbibing was a criminal offence, then that person should be heard responsible. If my actions directly caused the death of another, then I should be the one to be punished. I expect nothing more out of other people than I do out of myself.


aka_me said...

I think that someone who drinks alcohol, and gets into their car, and gets into an accident should definitely be held responsible. They may not be totally aware, but they made the choice to get into the car after consuming alcohol. If someone cannot be responsible enough to make this judgement alone, then they should not drink, or they should always have a designated driver. Since coming to college, I have become good friends with a guy who was struck in his car by a drunk driver. Thankfully, he lived, but he had to have multiple surgeries and it has changed his life. I think drinking and driving is something that is so easily avoidable, yet it still happens. That is what makes me so angry. People need to make wiser decisions.

Golf28 said...

I think that someone who drinks and drives should be punished for there actions. First of all, they should know better before they start drinking if they are going to have to be driving or not. If they are going to be driving later on that night than they should not drink. There are many accidents everyday about people getting killed by drunk drivers, you would think that since there are so many people getting killed from this people would think for about driving while intoxicated. Over all people who choose to drink and drive and get into an accident it should be their fault in the end. People really need to be more responsible with not only their lives, but others as well.