Monday, December 3, 2007

Why do teachers overload us this last week?

I will never understand why teachers love to overload us with homework during the last week of school. This is not only happening to me here in college, but it happened it high school too. I had a speech last week, a paper to write this week and another 100 point assignment due on Thursday. I think teachers need to use this time in better ways, like reviewing for their finals. Overloading us the week before only make us more stressed because we put the homework before studying because we need all the points that we can get in the class. So in a way the teachers are setting us up to do bad, why not take the last few days or so to help us go over everything so we do better on our finals. I also believe that this is another reason why finals shouldn’t be worth as much as they are because teachers make us do so much work during the rest of the school year. Maybe by placing less stress on finals and more on papers and other smaller tests we would all do a lot better in our classes. Right now I am between a B and a C in my sociology class because I completely forgot about one 25 point assignment and now there is no homework, papers or quizzes to help me make that up, so I have to get a very high B on the final, which just makes me feel more stressed about everything. Not only do we now have to worry about finishing about papers, speeches etc., but we have to pack up our rooms within 24 hours of our last final, which just adds to the amount of stress most of us are already feeling. I personally feel I have no time to relax just for a little while anymore and that teachers should stop overloading us within the last week of school.

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