Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Around Christmas time, there are usually a lot of good movies in the theaters. I don't even know what movies are in theaters right now because I feel like I never watch TV anymore, and now I don't see commercials for the movies. The only movies that are coming soon that I've heard of are I Am Legend and Walk Hard, which I think looks really ridiculous. After looking at moviefone, (http://movies.aol.com/) I remembered seeing something about a new Johnny Depp movie called Sweeney Todd, and a couple of other interesting movies. There is another National Treasure and Alien vs. Predator, but there isn't too much that's jumping out at me. In high school, I went to movies a lot, and now that I'm here I feel like I haven't gone to a movie in a long time. There are more movie reviews on http://www.rottentomatoes.com/.

On Christmas day, my family goes to a movie every year. You might think that most families are busy on Christmas day visiting their families and celebrating the holiday, but surprisingly, the movie theaters are very busy. We try to go in the early afternoon after we've opened all of our gifts and beat the rush. By the time we leave our movie, the parking lots are always full.

I'm going to have to start watching more commercials to figure out which movie I'm going to see on Christmas day. Any recommendations?


lazarus8964 said...

I hate going to movies in theaters, the last movie that I went to in a theater was Spiderman 3. It was an alright movie, I just didn’t care for the other people in the theater. People are loud and obnoxious, and even if the movie is really good, someone is going to shout out something stupid and annoying. What I used to like to do sometimes is I go would to movies sometimes in their second or third week when there is only one other person in the theater. I (being 6’4”) would pull a jerk move and sit down right in front of that person. Usually they would just get up and move, but on one occasion I actually got tapped on the shoulder. I just turned and went “shhhhhh…. I’m trying to watch the movie.” Some say “why would you do that? You’re no better than those who shout things at the screen.” Well you know what? I don’t say anything during the movie, and they can take 3 seconds and move in any direction to an unblocked seat. I don’t ruin the movie, I simply give that guy or girl a ridiculous story.

Shadez721 said...

Movies around Christmas are very common I generally go to see a lot of movies around Thanksgiving time. However, Christmas movies are good because it is a time to spend with your family and love/close people in your life. I think going to those movies around Christmas time are fun even with the loud crazy people in the theaters because sometimes you can get a good laugh out them.