Monday, December 3, 2007

Dorms or Apartment?

As freshmen, we are required to live in the dorms opposed to living in an apartment. I have no problem with this because it's quite convenient. When I first moved into the dorms I felt a bit lonely because I didn't know anyone. I was living with a complete stranger, let alone sharing a floor with even more strangers. However, a few days later our C.A. held a floor meeting in the lounge. We all attended because we were curious to what it was all about. Our C.A. did this to give us an opportunity to introduce ourselves and get to know a little about each other. After this we all felt comfortable, and we developed new friendships. Another reason why I believe living in the dorms is convenient is because everything is included. I mean we pay for housng and dining and this comes with computer labs, access to internet, cable channels, laundry rooms, dining halls, and assisting front desk services. This is a great combination for us as freshmen because it makes it easy to adjust to the new college life. Now, if we started off with apatments, I believe that everything would be different and difficult. We would have to pay bills, make our own breakfast, lunch, dinner, and who knows how much more. I'm pretty sure many freshmen would become overwhelmed, frustrated, and eventually fail or drop out of college. It would be too much to handle as a freshmen. So when is the right time to get an apartment? Perhaps junior year, senior year, or never.


cubsfan4life15 said...

I am also glad that as freshman, we are required to live in the dorms. It gives us new friendships that we can hold forever. I would have never joined a fraternity if I had a different roommate and I am so glad I did join. It has been the best experience of my life and I have my roommate to thank for that. On the otherhand, I believe that after one semester, a freshman should be able to opt out of the his/her's contract with the dorms because, in my case, I want to move into the frat house next semester, but can't because I signed a contract in the beginning of the year stating I will live a full year in the dorms. I believe that after one semester of living in the dorms, we should have the freedom to either remain a resident or be able to get an apartment or live in the frat house. It gives students to become truely independant and can get us ready for what is to come later in life.

unforgivable said...

I agree with the idea that all freshman should be required to live in the dorms. I beleive it helps students get used to living on their own and it is a good set place for students can say and get used to the campus. In my opinoin I beilieve that it is good to let sophmores live off campus because it lets them adapt early again. I think if you do not let students live off campus until their junior year you are just letting them get too used to living in the dorms and they will have a harder time adapting when the time finally comes. My friend said at Illinois State they have to stay in the dorms a second year. I just don't see the point. By the time you are a sophmore you have adapted to the campus and should be able to move off campus if you wish.

Saint_Louis_Cardinals said...

Dorms are great for freshmen when entering college. They allow you to meet new people and interact with those you dont usually interact with. I do think that our school needs to renovate new dorms on campus because Grant has become an inner city project. Kid throw thing in the elevator and mess up the bathrooms. We are all young adults and the bathrooms should not look like public toilets with soap smeered on the mirrors and all over the conters. Students need to take care of the dorms to redce fines and keep kids from moving to apartments after their first year.