Thursday, December 6, 2007

Winter Wonderland?

Remember when we were little kids and winter was the best time ever? Playing in the snow, making snowmen, and having snowball fights. We would wait and wait until the snow finally fell. And when it did, we would be begging our parents to let us go outside and play in the snow. We didn't even care how cold it was, we would spend hours outside. We could be frozen from head to toe and we wouldn't want to come in until our parents forced us to. I miss those days. It seems like the older you get, the more you dislike winter. The reason little kids like winter so much is because they don't realize how many bad things happen in the winter. Little kids just see the fun snow and snow days at school. But the older you get, you see the other things like driving on the horrible snowy, icey roads. You have to go and clean the snow off of your car and deal with the other people on the road. Also, as an adult, you have the responsibility of shoveling. You have to get outside and shovel the snow off of the drive way just so you can actually go out. Not many adults go out and play in the snow, but apparently college students love it. I've never seen so many people wanting to play in the snow as I did the other night. It is exciting because it was the first big snow of the year. I just like the snow because it makes everything prettier. When the snow first falls it covers everything and makes everything look so pure and clean. But then the cars come through and make the snow dirty and slushy. I still like winter, I just hate driving in the snow!

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