Friday, December 7, 2007

a raise?

A couple weeks ago, I emailed my boss about when I will be returning to work over winter break. In the email I stated something about discussing the possibility of me getting a raise for when I come back, and then I did not receive a response. I don't know if my boss simply got side tracked and forgot to respond, or if i pushed the wrong buttons asking for a raise. It made me wonder, what is the best way to ask for a raise? I wasn't rude when I asked for the raise, and I've only received one raise after working there for over a year, so it is well overdue. I'm not worried about being fired or anything serious because of my question, but I do not know how to handle the next email I need to send because I did not get a response.

I am not in this situation, but I think that some jobs might take advantage of their younger employees. They may think that because they are younger and have less experience in the work world that they do not need to promote or give raises to their younger employees. They might also think that the employee will never ask for a raise, and therefore, will only give a raise if it is asked for. I think that when it comes to money, you need to stand up and ask for what you want because it will never just be handed to you. Need help asking for a raise? Visit and here are some don't when it comes to asking for a raise

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