Thursday, December 6, 2007

True Friends.

Over the summer I remember talking to my friends all the time saying how we are going to keep in contact with each other and we will always be there for one another for what ever reason. My parents told me before I left for college that I am going to make a lot of new friends ( which I had already known) and I probably wouldn't see nor talk to few if any of my old friends. As most of us would react to that, I got very upset with my parents and told them that they did not know what they were talking about and these people have been my best friends for over eight years of my life. I think they just gave up and was sick of fighting about this issue because they knew what was going to happen as soon as I left. The first few weeks that I was here I would text message my friends a lot because I was already very busy and didn't have much time for phone calls. As time has passed I stopped talking to one person at a time. Since I have left for college I have really learned the definition of a true friend which isn't someone who is there when they need something to wear, or to hang out with when no one is around. A true friend is someone who will be there for you no matter what and would do almost anything for you. Here at NIU it had made me realize who was and wasn't my true friends and as much as we hate to say it my parents were right when they told me that sooner or later even though I thought that the people who I spent eight years of my live with would soon be gone with in weeks. I have also learned that as people go off to college the change and you really don't have as much in common as you thought. Over all I think that even though you still keep in contact with you so called "true friends" from home you will soon realize like I did that some people that you think are your friends really are not. 

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