Thursday, December 6, 2007


A class on politics and government should be mandatory to teens under the age of 18. Many people feel that their vote does not account for anything, but it does. Imagine if it were more than just many people and it were all people felt this way, how would society elect the president of the United States. The importance of voting in today’s society is stressed greatly by many people. People want those who turn 18 to register to vote immediately and vote once the election time comes. The problem with that is, the amount of those that turn 18 do not know very much on the topic of voting and the president, if they even register to vote. After sending out a survey, I found that many people at the age of 18 have little knowledge of the president and politics. This is a problem because if they register and vote what is it that they are basing their decision on who they are voting for? Voting is a privilege and an honor that many people do not experience. The website has a few interesting key facts on voting:

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