Sunday, December 2, 2007

Last week of School

I am extremely excited for this upcoming week. The homework is all going to be finished and all the classes will have finally ended for a much needed break. The one thing I will miss most about first semester is that I am not going to be the new kid on the block anymore. A new semester will mean new students and transfers. All of our classes will be coming to an end, is that not exciting? It will be a hard week but a decisive one that I hope that I am prepared for. I know other students and I will not see each other for the next month or so but i think it is all in the college experience. Speaking of the college the last week of school not what it all ultimately comes down to? Cramming and staying awake to all hours of the night? Well...technically I am not sure if that is what it is about because i have never been through all of that before so it is all speculation from here. I have a feeling the stereotype has been expanded by movies and television shows and hopefully they are wrong for my sake.

Study Advice visit here ------->


BabaGonoush9 said...

I'm pretty excited for the last week also. Although I have so much school stuff I have to do. I'm sure that everyday this week I'm going to wake up, go to class, come back study, go bed, and repeat that everyday. This week is going to horrible, but once it's over everything will be great. No School and Christmas! oh I can't wait.

nenala said...

I'm so ready for this semester to be over. I want to start fresh. I know I didn't do as well as I would have liked to, but whatever it was our first semester. Now I know what I have to work on in order to do better next semester, like time management. What I don't like about this semester finishing is the fact that I've made good friends in some of my classes and I will not be with them next semester, but that's college.