Friday, December 7, 2007

What I Don't Understand About Finals.

I really don't get why some teachers give a chapter test out only a few days before finals. I mean come on why would you do that. I that that if you were going to have a chapter test then that should just be the final its self. We are all working really hard and studying a lot so we do well on are first finals here at NIU. So why do teachers think that it makes sense to make us all study real hard on several chapters and then four days later have a test on the whole book. I think that in order for us to do good on either a final that covers the whole book or a chapter test then teachers should give us a break and if they want are grades to go up they should pick one of the two test. I fell as though we are already stressed out a ton and they already know this and they still proceed to assign a ton of homework and two test with in four days. I just don't understand what they are thinking when they give all of this work to us. My roommate is taking a really hard course and the teacher assigned a chapter test and their final on the same day. I mean would anyone be able to tell me how you think that she is going to do well on both of those test? Although she is studying a lot for these test she still isn't sure how well she is going to do on these test. Which I didn't mention before was that her grade relies on her test score in that class. So some of these teachers who cram all of these test in at the end of the semester don't realize what harm it is doing to some of the kids grades especially when you put in a chapter test on the same day as a finial. Therefore I still am not sure about why we take a chapter test a few days before finals.

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