Thursday, December 6, 2007

Optional Finals

Well it’s finally the end of the semester and finals are next week. As it looks right now, I will have to take two finals, put together a portfolio for English, and I have one optional final. Whether I take the optional final or not depends on what my final grade is in that particular class. If my final grade isn’t where I want it to be, I have the option to take the final, which would replace the lowest test grade for the semester.

I think most or all college classes should revolve around this philosophy. It’s a great idea and it will relieve tons of stress that is put on to us students these final days of the semester. As we all know, everyone can have a bad day or not feel well the day of an exam in their selected class. Sometimes, they will get lucky and get a decent grade on the exam, but most of the time, it ends up being a train wreck. With that one bad test, your grade is hurt by it and is nowhere where it should be. That’s where the optional final should come in. This will really prove if you know the material that was covered not only in one part of the semester, but as a semester in general. This is a great alternative from a final to either make or break your grade, to pretty much helping you out at the end of the semester


Shadez721 said...

I agree. Optional finals would make life of a college student much easier not to mention that it would help kids grade wise. Some kids are on the boarder of a grade and if you do well you will get it boosted but if you do bad it will kill your grade. Also in order to get your grade higher you have to do well! Most people do not do well on finals regardless of the amount of studying.

Golf28 said...

I think that Optional finals would make our last week here at school a lot less stressful and could even help students over all grades. Over all I think that if you know the material that was went over in class then you would do well but if you knew it during the chapter test and forgot it you are going to fail. Majority of the things that we are taught in class we will never use again therefore I don't think we should have to be tested on things that are taught in the beginning of the year. Also, although students may study for days or even weeks majority of them still do not do well on finals for many different reasons. Some kids may know the material but have trouble taking test which is unfair to them. Overall I think optional finals would benefit many students.